Ep 28! Part 3 of the mental health and mindfulness series with Dr. Mike Levin who gives a practical explanation of acceptance and commitment therapy and the many ways it can improve our habits and mental health! For more expert health information like this like, share, and subscribe!

DISCLAIMER: Any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. This Podcast should not be considered professional advice.

Podcast and Dr. Levin’s links;

USU ACT Research Group: https://www.UtahACT.com/; https://www.facebook.com/UtahACT
ACT Guide Self-Help Program: https://ACTGuide.usu.edu
Healthy Habits Suck https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Habits-Suck-Couch-Live/dp/1684033314

The Diet Trap https://www.amazon.com/Diet-Trap-Psychological-Acceptance-Commitment/dp/1608827097

ACT Guide (our self-guided ACT website) – https://ACTGuide.usu.edu

Find an ACT therapist website https://contextualscience.org/civicrm/profile?gid=17&reset=1&force=1

-4:32 What is ACT – acceptance and commitment therapy
-5:52 What does mindfulness look and feel like?
-7:00 Is the opposite of mindfulness impulsiveness?
-9:19 What other ways do we tend to be mindless?
-11:23 Thinking of work while in the gym Vs mindfully eating
-13:05 How we can be mindful when we exercise?
-16:01 Why is the present moment so important?
-17:50 Is there any issues with focusing on future rewards in the present moment?
-19:59 The importance of our values
-22:32 How can we implement values into our lives?
-25:14 Does everybody have values naturally or do some people have to create their values?
-27:00 How does mindfulness tie into our values?
-28:38 Can our values change over time?
-34:19 What is a simple definition of ACT?
-38:05 How to combat negative self talk?
-40:31 How can labelling our thoughts be useful?
-42:12 Is there any common labels people use that listeners can use as an example?
-44:42 What is the commitment part of A-C-T once we have accepted our thoughts?
-48:29 How can making decisions based on our values make habit formation easier?
-50:21 Is goal setting a part of using our values?
-51:23 Is there more to our goals than our surface levels reasons?
-54:30 Can we become clearer on our values through action and time?
-55:39 Mike’s final message